Words of the Rajputana Mountains


It’s a dusty drive up the dry and dusky mountains of Rajasthan … the hills a backdrop to a rural life that has been unchanged for centuries.   Starting from the south west from Udaipur and driving through Sirohi,  up to the small town of Bundi.  These are old hills, Kipling's hills, driving up past rivers and waterfalls and rhododendrons in bloom, scattered with temples, their heights are crowned with palaces in gorgeous decay, guarded by monkeys and where Rudyard Kipling wrote his classic ‘Kim’  in a pavilion on nearby Jait Sagar Lake…. and onto Tonk and Ranthambore. Drive on onward north east to Jaipur and Ramgarh. I am reminded of words from John Denvers song ‘Country Roads’ …..

“Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Blowin' like the breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong”

The Aravalli  Hills are a different world from West Virginia but mountains evoke nostalgia.  The mountains of Rajasthan are full of secrets and a journey into adventure. Within its shadowy folds and peaks, you can follow old paths to new parts, to tucked-away treasures.  It’s a hidden Rajasthan, a world away from the madding crowds till you come to Rajasthan’s only hill station, Mount Abu. There you find the madding crowds …from here venture into the upper reaches on big-cat safaris and heritage hotels in quiet hidden palaces and havelis with raj-era flair without the crush.

aravalli hills

All around are the sights and sounds of the people and animals embedded into the slopes and valleys of this beautiful range the backdrop of life busily continuing , crops being harveste and the women in colours  evocative of Rajasthan in pinks, reds and yellows.

The only hill station in Rajasthan,  Mount Abu is located in the Sirohi district on the highest peak of the Aravalli range and is known for it’s Dilwara Jain temples. With coniferous trees and flowering shrubs covering the hillside,  the climate in Mount Abu remains quite cool making it the summer capital of Rajasthan. According to legend ….  sage Vasishta performed a great Yajna at the peak of Mount Abu, to seek from the gods a provision for the defense of righteousness on earth. In answer to his prayer, a youth arose from the Agnikunda  … fire-altar … the first Agnivansha Rajput!

mount abu

The Aravalli range are the oldest fold mountains in India and one of the oldest hill systems of the world and form the most dominant geological structure in the formation of the North Indian terrain and drainage system.  This range forms the main water divide of the North Indian drainage system. It bisects Rajasthan into two major geographical units on its two sides. The western part occupying about two-thirds of the state, is almost desert-like and the eastern part is comparatively well drained and fertile.  At a few places in the Aravalli range, the hills are discontinuous and gaps exist.  The Aravalli hill region extends in parts of eighteen districts of Rajasthan and covers fully or partly 120 Development Blocks of the State.

fold mountain

Mines in Aravalli hills in Rajasthan contains immense mineral wealth. Nearly 25 years ago large scale mining began here for marble and granite. Due to this large scale mining the forest cover has been depleted by 90%.

mining forest

Our last stop is Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, once situated in the Aravalli Hills …. shifted from the majestic Amber Fort to it’s present location at a distance of 11 kilometers owing to the growing population and dire scarcity of wate r … it is stunning with the backdrop of the magnificent Amber Fort atop the Aravalli Hills !  

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